Saving Calculator

Saving Calculator

  Please enter the appropriate values in the data sheet below to estimate the saving possible by gasifier retrofit.  
Fuel Used
Quantity of fuel used per
Landed cost of fuel presently in use hour (Rs /ltr or Rs /kg)
Operating hours per day  hours
No. of shifts per day ( For example : 1, 2 , or 3 )
Working days per month ( in numeric)  days
Cost of dry wood ( <15% moisture content)  Rs per Kg
Unit Cost of power  Rs/unit
Wage for unskilled labor  Rs/month
Current monthly fuel spend  Rs/month
Wood required  kg/hr
Wood cost  Rs/month
Power required  kw
Power cost  Rs/month
Labor cost  Rs/month
Cost of operation with gasifier  Rs/month
Monthly savings  Rs/month